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Independent Financial Advisor
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We very much look forward to hearing from you,
by phone or email as you prefer, and if we're not
immediately available, then we'll get back to you
without fail, either later the same day, or by the
next working day.
We wait to hear from you
So,do please feel free to send us a message:
Message Us
Meeting up..

We find that most people prefer us to visit them at home, as this is usually more convenient for the client; and any documents and other information that may be needed are usually kept there too. This also fits with the new regime of us working from home.

We will of course provide you with security ID for your peace of mind.

If however, you would prefer to have an office meeting, then we will be happy to do this instead. In this instance, we’ll be happy to agree a suitable venue.

We’re now working in the modern world, so a virtual meeting is also very welcome.
AffinityFinance Meeting
AffinityFinance Consultation
Initial Consultation

Your Initial Consultation with us is entirely free and without any further obligation

You want to be assured that you would like us to help; and we need to know enough initial information to verify that we would be able to help you.

Therefore your Initial Consultation may include phone conversations, emails, posted documents, and of course an actual meeting. All of these are in the interest of moving forwards appropriately…
PO Box 2096, Worthing
West Sussex BN12 9AS
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AffinityFinance Email Us
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0330 999 0393
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Please feel free to contact us.. we're happy to hear from you without any charge or ongoing obligation. Just tell us how we might be able to help you.

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We are open:
10 -5 Mon - Thu
10 - 12:30 Fri